Friday, July 10, 2009

I have known I have dyslexia since I was 6 year old. My parents always told me that I was lucky, because I was in a great crowd with Albert Einstein and Walt Disney who both had dyslexia. When I was small, I would get taken out of my class for help with reading, but I didn't care because alot of kids left the room for special help. I learned to read using the Stephenson program with a private tutor. My parents thought I was going to be fine after I finished. I can't spell, so I would memorize all of my words for tests and the words I knew for reading. I never told anyone, because I thought that was what you were supposed to do. As I got older, it got harder to keep up, but I just kept trying. Sometimes it was really hard, but I was always able to figure out what the story was about. Last November, my parents wanted to make sure everything was still good for me and had me privately tested for two very long days. The results came back - I couldn't read. The therapist figured me out. She tested me on nonsense words and I had no clue. Now I am using the Wilson program in school. I did it for three months before school ended. I know it is working, because I sounded out a word for the first time in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I am teacher of special needs in normal elementary school. I have students with dyslexia and some times gets hard to help them with all the subjects that they have difficulties. I have spend two years in university studing about learning disabilities and other two in a special course about dyslexia. I have to admit that i am still confused with this issue because there are many different approaches. I will be reading your thoughts that might help me understand better my students
